The Wonder of Robson
Valley…And You!
East of Prince
George, British Columbia, lies a landscape that is one
of the wonders of planet Earth, an Ancient Rainforest of giant trees, hundreds
of kilometres from the Pacific coast where you might expect to find them. This is the Robson Valley, bounded by the
snow-capped Rocky Mountains on the East and the Cariboo Mountains to the West,
the headwaters of the most magnificent and diverse river in North America, the
Fraser. Features that make this valley a
precious gemstone in nature’s crown appeared in Part 1 of “Rainforest
Conservation Corridor for Robson Valley” in 2002 (Save-The-Cedar League). Here are just a few other features the
Rainforest Corridor provides:
One of the
world’s last primeval landscapes. The exceptional Ancient Cedar trees are some
of the oldest (1,500 years) and widest (14.5 ft.) Red Cedar known to exist
anywhere. Ancient Cedar is one of
earth's oldest and largest living organisms, nourishing the most productive
ecosystems on earth, deserving our commitment to protect them.
world-class Ancient Rainforest habitat needed by old-growth-dependent species,
especially those needing low-elevation river valleys (Save-The-Cedar League
1996, 1997, 1998).
The last
place remaining in the world outside of Parks where you can still see healthy
“core populations” of all seven of these charismatic, “focal species” of
conservation biology science living within an Ancient Rainforest: Mountain
Caribou, Chinook Salmon, Grizzly Bear, Wolverine, Lynx, Cougar, and Wolf
(Craighead and Cross 2004).
The home
to the world's largest remaining Mountain Caribou herd (750 animals, Wittmer et
al. 2005), federally classified as "endangered" (The Mountain Caribou Technical Advisory Committee 2002). The Corridor provides the calving and
wintering habitats of dwindling BC Mountain Caribou, and the calving-grounds
for the dwindling, southern-most-remaining Alberta Mountain Caribou herd living
outside of Parks. Six other large
ungulate species live in the valley: Mountain Goat, Bighorn Sheep, Elk, Moose,
Mule Deer, and White-Tailed Deer.
connective link among nine existing Parks: Kakwa, Sugar Bowl/Grizzly, Bowron,
West Twin, Erg Mountain, Ptarmigan Creek, Cariboo Mountains, Slim Creek, and
Willmore Wilderness (Save-The-Cedar League 2002).
The last
watersheds remaining in the entire Rocky Mountains where you can still see
Grizzly Bears fishing for wild, ocean-going Chinook salmon, that we call
“Salmon-Grizzly” (Weaver and Zammuto 2004).
The Corridor contains a world-class Grizzly Bear gathering on Bearpaw
Ridge where 25 Rainforest Grizzly Bears can be watched feeding over a
weekend. They are part of the highest
density Grizzly Bear population in East-Central BC, including more than 150
Bears (Save-The-Cedar League 2002).
The home
to 350 vertebrate species (Save-The-Cedar League 1997), the Slim-West Twin and
Morkill-McKale Rainforests of 5000 sq. km, and some of the highest biodiversity
in North America.
Clean air
and oxygen we all breathe and pure clean water we all need. The Rainforest absorbs 16-50 times the carbon
dioxide per hectare than the Brazilian Rainforest (Moore 1991) to reduce global warming and climate change.
These vital Rainforest functions make all life possible, create our
life-support systems, and maintain earth's climate, making the ancient cedar
Rainforest of overriding importance.
The home
of the newly-discovered bird population of hybrids between Eastern Blue Jays
and Steller’s Jays (Zammuto 1997, Save-the-Cedar League 2002). The Corridor supports Western Grebe, White
Pelican, Surf Scoter, Northern Goshawk, Prairie Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Great
Blue Heron, Sandhill Crane, Long-Billed Curlew, Pomarine Jaeger, Short-Eared
Owl, and other rare, large birds (Save-The-Cedar League 1997, 2002). The first
endangered Whooping Cranes observed in the Rainforest Corridor during recent
times were filmed at West Twin Park in 2003.
economic opportunities needed by Rainforest communities for their
sustainability. The Corridor has some of
the highest conservation and recreational values in the world, enhancing the
scientific, economic, and recreational values of the largest, inter-connected
protected-area-network in Southern Canada (more at No. 4. below).
The heart
of the only Inland Temperate Rainforest in the world that is threatened with
extinction right now (Goward 1994, 1995, 1996).
volumes of pure, clean water are contributed to the Fraser River from
watersheds of Robson Valley forests (Bocking 1997).
in some of these ancient forests significantly contribute to the Fraser’s
biological processes. The Fraser is the
world's most productive, free-flowing, salmon-bearing river, and 10 percent of
its giant Chinook salmon spawns in Robson Valley, hundreds of kilometres from
the ocean. The high volume of quality,
pure water flowing from some of the oldest forests remaining on earth gives
this Rainforest paramount importance.
With the world’s special places shrinking and
degrading, with species disappearing at an unprecedented rate, it is obvious
that the Robson Valley, this life-giving planetary treasure, should be preserved
as a significant source of hope for the future of the natural world. For this
is one of the most biologically-rich natural environments on earth, an
irreplaceable ecosystem that produces oxygen, absorbs carbon dioxide, cleans
our air and water, sustains our wildlife, fisheries, and human society.
A vibrant Inland
Rainforest stretched through much of southeastern BC just a few decades
ago. Today, however, much of that
Rainforest lays in ruin, while many of its once vast wildlife
populations are mere tattered remnants.
Industrial profiteers are bringing the Ancient Inland Rainforest to the
edge of extinction, for the short-term benefit of a select few, at a huge
long-term loss to the many. This
Rainforest provides resources needed for human survival, yet it is being
destroyed much faster than nature can restore it. After thousands of years of exuberant
productivity, the survival of the Inland Rainforest is in doubt.
Clearcutting of the Rainforest
has caused silting and warming of many salmon streams that is devastating the
salmon fishery. Unsustainable forestry
practices have pushed the Mountain Caribou to the edge of extinction by
destroying its habitat. Our challenge is
to stem the tide of extinction that is threatening Ancient Rainforest Cedar,
some of the rarest and most ecologically-significant trees on earth, along with
many other plant and animal species of the Rainforest.
GD, Crescent Spur,
British Columbia, Canada
V0J 3E0
Educational Report
No. 5, Spring 2007
What Must We Do?
1. Protect Robson Valley’s Walker
Rainforest Wilderness, the largest Rainforest Wilderness East of Prince George. Why?
At 2006 sq. km (774 sq. mi), the Walker
Rainforest is the largest wilderness remaining anywhere in the world outside of
Parks that includes Ancient Inland Rainforest, Mountain Caribou,
Salmon-Grizzly, and ocean-going Chinook Salmon (See the blue on the map below;
Prince George is to your left, Jasper to your right).
It was licensed for logging several times
yet all licenses were abandoned due to economic inoperability (Chief Forester
It is proposed for protection by many
scientists, conservationists, local Rainforest communities and residents, and
there is a growing desire among many others throughout the world to safeguard
it from commercial development.
Local Rainforest Communities need the Walker
Rainforest Wilderness (WRW) protected to maintain their sustainable,
alternative economic activities and opportunities.
contains 40 key Chinook salmon, Bull-Trout, and Rainbow Trout spawning grounds
- up to 5,000 Chinook Salmon spawn here each year (Department
of Fisheries and Oceans 1990). It
contains a critical, bottle-neck, wildlife travel corridor used annually for
migration by 15 large migratory mammals.
contains Morkill Falls, the largest waterfall with the largest Chinook salmon
raceway in the region, adjacent to two other waterfalls over 300 ft. high.
Salmon-Grizzly feed on spawning salmon among the large boulders strewn along
the magnificent raceway beneath these three falls. The WRW also contains the magnificent Bull
Trout spawning ground and canyon at Hellroaring Creek Rainforest Falls.
Scientists documented the WRW’s critical
importance so convincingly that the BC Government legally protected 529 sq. km
of Mountain Caribou Reserves and 163 sq. km of Spatial Old Growth Management
Areas within the WRW during 2003-2006 (Carson et al. 2003, Stevenson et al.
2003, Thibeault et al. 2006).
Legislation in 2004 adopted that there
should be an additional 17,700 ha (68 sq. mi) of high elevation old-growth
Spruce forest mapped and protected in the Landscape Units containing much of
the WRW to maintain the forest (Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
2004). About 6000 ha of this 17,700 ha
is needed to protect all of the WRW within the Humbug Landscape Unit. Local residents and communities publicly request the 6000 ha
of ESSF be mapped as Spatial Old Growth Management Areas, as a necessary
follow-up to the 2004 legislation (see definitions below).
have documented that if old forest adjacent to Caribou habitat is logged, deer and
moose move into the logged area, and then Wolves and Cougars follow them,
gaining new access to nearby Caribou, which they then kill in numbers so large they wipe-out whole Caribou populations. This chain of
events is a leading cause of the decline of Endangered Mountain Caribou
populations (Wittmer et al. 2005, The
Mountain Caribou Technical Advisory Committee, 2002). We estimate more
than 100 Mountain Caribou, 14% of the 750 Caribou living East of Prince George
will be wiped-out from this chain of events if the WRW is further roaded or
logged instead of being protected, especially along Upper Walker Creek. This is particularly critical since the WRW
contains the only watershed in Canada that is home to three federally-recognized
sub-populations of Woodland Caribou at risk of extinction (the Southern
Mountain, Northern, and Alberta Mountain ecotypes).
The WRW is the largest remaining undeveloped
watershed-cluster in the entire Rocky Mountains where Grizzly Bears can still
be watched fishing for wild, ocean-going salmon. Our DNA analysis showed these
“Salmon-Grizzly” depend upon Chinook salmon for 20% of their diet in the WRW
(Weaver and Zammuto 2004).
We have a duty to maintain outstanding, rare
wild places of the highest biodiversity like the WRW, leaving to future
generations a world enriched by our stewardship.
The BC
government took a step in the right direction to protect Mt. Caribou from
hunting in 1996, and after consultation with the Federal Government’s Committee
on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC),
the BC government protected some Mt. Caribou winter range in WRW in 2003
(Stevenson et al. 2003). Government and
many others have documented that logging old forest adjacent to Mt Caribou
habitat causes an increase in deer and moose, which leads to more predators,
and more dead caribou. Therefore the WRW
should not be further roaded or logged since this will cause the watershed to
be occupied by too many deer, moose, elk, and their predators, causing the
extinction of the Caribou population of around 50-100 animals within the WRW,
some 10-15% of the entire population remaining East of Prince George.
The extraordinary WRW
is the largest, unprotected, unfragmented Rainforest with Chinook salmon,
salmon-grizzly, and mountain caribou remaining within the entire 14 million ha
Inland Rainforest Region of BC.
Protecting the WRW will be a major step towards the long-term
sustainability of what remains of Canada’s globally-unique Inland
Rainforest. The challenge is immediate
because the phenomenal WRW is in jeopardy from development. In the map of the WRW above, the blue-coloured area should be protected and added to the
green-coloured areas that are already protected. The logged landscape
surrounding the WRW (coloured red, above) shows a shocking amount of Rainforest
fragmentation. It is a matter of good
fortune that the WRW with 69% old-growth forest (Cross 2006) has remained as
intact as it is, so late in its history.
Therefore, our opportunity for its conservation should not be squandered
through poor planning, neglect, and apathy, but we must immediately seize this
opportunity to protect the entire Walker Rainforest Wilderness today!
2. The “Aspatial” Old
Growth Management Areas (OGMAs) should become “Spatial” OGMAs in the Ancient
Rainforest. Why?
OGMAs are not mapped on-the-ground until a future date, whereas “Spatial” OGMAs
are mapped on-the-ground and legally protected.
Aspatial OGMAs contain millions of the largest and oldest Ancient Red
Cedar trees known to remain in the world, some are 14.5 feet in diameter and
1,500 years-old. These Aspatial OGMAs
must be mapped by government for protection from logging, when they will then
be called Spatial OGMAs.
Aspatial OGMAs surround the Western edge of
the world-famous Primordial Grove (Save-The-Cedar League 2002), but these 200
ha must become Spatial OGMAs or Primordial Grove can be destroyed by wind,
exposure, drying, insects, or other forces if the Western edge is logged.
The 100 ha Ancient Forest Trail must be
protected as Spatial OGMA since it has some of the largest and oldest known
Ancient Cedar trees known to exist in Robson Valley. Additionally, the "McBride Area Guide"
(2006) published by many communities, businesses, and the Chamber of Commerce
promotes ecotourism of the Ancient Forest Trail and promotes the associated
alternative economic activities in the nearby Dome Creek Community. The Ancient Forest Trail was featured in a
community-based film called “Block 486,” when the trail’s protection was
supported by many BC communities, conservation groups, nature
and hiking clubs, yet instead this prominent area is slated for logging to make
a few fence posts and ornamental mulch (TRC Cedar Ltd. 2001).
The 200 ha
“Parthenon Grove” on the alluvial fan of Humbug Creek contains the last
remaining stand of high-density Ancient Cedar of the ICHwk3 biogeoclimatic zone
within the Humbug Landscape Unit of some 1000 sq. km. Scientists, conservation groups, and hundreds
of people wrote government to protect this Grove, but were ignored.
Legislation in 2004 adopted that there
should be an additional 31,800 ha of old Cedar forest protected East of Prince
George to maintain the world-unique Rainforest ecosystem (Ministry of
Sustainable Resource Management 2004).
We find only some of this 31,800 ha needs to be mapped as Spatial OGMAs
to protect the best-remaining Ancient Cedar of the Walker Rainforest
Wilderness, of Primordial and Parthenon Groves, of the Ancient Forest Trail,
and of the Slim, Dome, Humbug, Crescent Spur, Lower Morkill, and Lower Goat
Landscape Units where the remaining
Ancient Cedar are found.
3. The Upper Cariboo River should be added to
Bowron Park. Why?
Most of
the 33,000 ha watershed has been determined to be important endangered Mountain
Caribou habitat that scientists and others say should be protected from
development (Recovery Implementation Group 2005).
The Robson
Valley’s Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) was reduced by 3% per year in 2006 due to
the BC Chief Forester, Industry Foresters, STCL, and others finding evidence
the Upper Cariboo is inoperable, costing more to log than all the logs in the
watershed are worth (Chief Forester 2006).
Therefore the entire Upper Cariboo River can be protected for
sustainable alternative economic activities, tourism, and biodiversity
conservation without any loss to the forest industry.
The Upper Cariboo
River is used by tourists who paid $800 million to the Tourism Industry over a
few decades (Coopers & Lybrand Consulting 1995). It has been acknowledged
that the Upper Cariboo's prime tourist attraction is its wilderness quality,
yet the wilderness integrity of adjacent Bowron Park will be compromised by
logging of the Upper Cariboo watershed.
Degrading the value of the wilderness experience by logging the Upper
Cariboo will reduce the willingness to pay tourism dollars by those seeking
such recreation; a considerable loss of revenue from tourism while
simultaneously losing biodiversity.
Clearly, protecting the rare, endangered wildlife and old-growth forest
of the Upper Cariboo River conserves biodiversity sustainability, tourism, and
4. The Walker
Rainforest Wilderness, Spatial Old Growth Management Areas, and the Upper
Cariboo River should all be added to the largest, inter-connected
Protected-Area-Network in Southern Canada.
The protected
ecosystem straddling the BC/Alberta border (Banff, Jasper, Kakwa, Kootenay,
Mount Robson, Willmore, Yoho, and several other smaller Parks) is an international
treasure of 31,674 sq. km (12,224 sq. mi).
It is the largest, inter-connected, protected-area in Southern
Canada! Many key mammal, fish, and bird
species would already be extinct were it not for forward-thinking citizens,
communities, governments, and others who had the foresight to protect their
habitats in this magnificent region. Yet
some species are still being decimated as their habitats are destroyed by
unsustainable industries adjacent to this international treasure.
Save-The-Cedar League
launched “part 1” of a conservation project "Rainforest Conservation
Corridor for Robson Valley" in 2002.
This additional 10,000 sq. km connective corridor would include the
heart of the world’s only Inland Temperate Rainforest, directly linking nine
existing Parks (Kakwa, Sugar Bowl/Grizzly, Bowron, West Twin, Erg
Mountain, Ptarmigan Creek, Cariboo Mountains, Slim Creek, and Willmore
Wilderness), with Southern Canada’s largest protected area network.
Our conservation
vision, in collaboration with Rainforest communities, scientists, and others is
to maintain the viability of the world’s only Inland Temperate Rainforest and
associated biodiversity for the long-term, by creating new and expanded
protected areas that safeguard the sustainability of the Rainforest and all of
its unique features. The Corridor offers a multitude of significant ecological,
scientific, social, cultural, economic and other indispensable values and
benefits. This Corridor is critical to
the preservation of our natural biological diversity, the maintenance of vital
ecological processes, and the nourishment of intact life-support systems. The Corridor significantly contributes to the
diversification of our economy through the growth of the ecotourism, wild-craft,
retirement-home, wildlife, fishery, and recreation industries. It provides
benchmarks for long-term scientific research, serves as a reservoir of genetic
information, provides outdoor classrooms, and provides opportunities for people
to experience, appreciate, and enjoy nature. Outdoor recreation in natural,
wild, old growth such as the Walker Wilderness contributes to the mental and
physical well-being of human beings. The aesthetic qualities of the Inland
Rainforest are unsurpassed with its old-growth, ancient Cedar, mountains,
lakes, rivers, and its panoramic viewscapes. In addition, rare wildlife,
recreation, and tourism opportunities are overwhelming in the Corridor. Simply knowing that viable natural and cultural
resources are held safely in trust for future generations is deeply satisfying
for many people. Please help protect the
Inland Temperate Rainforest!
How You Can Help
Stop the Destruction of the World’s Only Inland Temperate Rainforest
We have adopted an
economic system that is devastating the natural world and human support
systems. We are allowing the forces of
destruction to prevail by not taking action.
Please, actively participate by doing the following to ensure the
Ancient Inland Rainforest, the Walker Rainforest Wilderness, and their
biodiversity remain viable for the long-term:
1) Join
Save-The-Cedar League ($15), and make a tax-deductible, charitable donation.
2) Call (800)
663-7867 or write, to connect with Members of the BC Legislative Assembly and
the Premier at: The Parliament Buildings, Government of BC, Victoria, BC, V8V
1X4. Tell them you want the ancient
rainforest and biodiversity of the Robson Valley protected from logging for
future generations, using Save-The-Cedar League's proposed Rainforest
Conservation Corridor.
3) Refuse to buy Red
Cedar wood products, shakes, posts, rails, or mulch. Many 500 year-old Cedar produce only a few
fence rails, and many trees this age are cut down and burned without being used
at all, even though they eat tons of Carbon Dioxide to reduce global warming.
4) Ecotour the Robson
Valley Rainforest with us, or use your own STCL member's copy of our Robson
Valley Ecoguide, containing vertebrate abundance and habitats, directions to
special ecological sites, hiking trails, old growth driving sites, waterfalls,
lakes, and salmon spawning grounds.
5) Get a VCR or DVD
copy of our Rainforest Grizzly Bear TV Documentary to show your friends the
Grizzly Bear gathering on Bear Paw Ridge ($11 donation).
6) Elect politicians to
your local, regional, provincial, state, and federal governments who support
protecting Robson Valley's ancient rainforest.
7) Actively
participate to protect ancient forests and habitats of endangered species by
signing-up to distribute copies of this report to your friends, neighbours,
schools, shopping malls, doctor offices, and other public places.
Your Name: ______________________________________
Address: _________________________________
Code: ________________________________
Enclosed is
$15 for membership in Save-The-Cedar League, and a tax-deductible donation of
We are grateful to
our financial contributors to this conservation message: The Bullitt
Foundation, The Endswell Foundation, The Fanwood Foundation West, The McLean
Foundation, The Vancouver Foundation, and our cherished membership. We also thank Baden Cross for GIS maps and
Conservation Area Design calculations, Dana and Ellen Snyder, Dick Bocking, and
Carolyn Linden for editorial comments, and Hugh Perkins, Howie Garber, Delores
Moore, Mari Wood, and the BC Government for photos.
Printed with recycled paper and vegetable inks.
Literature Cited
R. C. 1997. Mighty River: A Portrait Of The Fraser. Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver, BC, 294pp.
S., A. Brost, B. Nesbit, F. Spears, S. Barry, and D. Roberge.
2003. Old Seral Chapter Background
Report for Prince George Area (Forest District) Sustainable Resource Management
Plan for: Dome Landscape Unit, Slim Landscape Unit, Humbug Unit, Ministry of
Sustainable Resource Management, Prince George, BC.
Forester. 2006. Robson Valley Timber Supply Area Rationale
for Allowable Annual Cut (AAC), Ministry of Forests and Range, Victoria, BC, 55
& Lybrand Consulting. 1995. Economic Benefits of British Columbia
Parks. BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Report,
Victoria, B.C.
L. and B. Cross. 2004.
A Conservation Area Design (CAD) for the Inland Temperate Rainforest of
Canada. Valhalla Wilderness Society Report, 55pp.
B. 2006. Implementing the Inland
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Fine Scale Conservation Planning in the Robson Valley Region. Save-The Cedar League Report, 11pp.
of Fisheries and Oceans. 1990. Fish Habitat Inventory and Information
Program. Stream Summary Catalogues. Department
of Fisheries and Oceans, Vancouver, BC.
Goward, T.
1996. The "Antique"
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Report Number 1.
Goward, T.
1995. Macrolichens of the oldgrowth
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Goward, T.
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Acta Bot. Fenn. 150:31-38.
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the Recommended Biodiversity Objectives in the PG TSA, Prince George, BC.
Moore, K. 1991. Coastal Watersheds: An inventory of watersheds in the
coastal temperate watersheds of British Columbia. Earthlife Canada Foundation and Ecotrust/Conservation
Recovery Implementation Group. 2005. Recovery
Implementation Plan for threatened Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus
caribou) in the Hart and Cariboo Mountains recovery area, BC.
2002. Rainforest
Conservation Corridor for Robson Valley.
Educational Report No. 4, 4pp.
1998. Age and Species Composition of
Forests, Grizzly and Other Species Densities, Wilderness Watersheds, and
Threats in British Columbia. Educational Report No. 3, 11 pp.
1997. Robson Valley
Ecoguide and Conservation Biology Plan.
Educational Report No. 2, 10 pp.
1996. Bridge the Island Parks with
Ancient Rainforest Biodiversity. Educational Report Number 1, 5pp.
D., C. Ritchie, J. Vinnedge, B. Brade, and B. Arthur.
2003. Mountain Caribou Ungulate Winter
Range Report (U-7-003) Omineca Region. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Prince George, BC.
The Mountain Caribou Technical Advisory
Committee. 2002. A Strategy for the Recovery of Mountain
Caribou in British Columbia. BC Ministry of Water, Land and
Air Protection, Victoria, BC.
R., B. Nesbit, and F. Spears. 2006.
Robson Valley-North (former Robson Valley Forest District) Sustainable
Resource Management Plan Biodiversity Chapter Background Report, Ministry of
Sustainable Resource Management, Prince George, BC.
Cedar Ltd. 2001.
15-year logging plan map for 2001-2015, 1:50,000 scale. McBride, BC.
J. L. and R. M. Zammuto 2004. Grizzly
Bears and Chinook Salmon in the Inland Rainforest,
Wildlife Conservation Society Report, 14 pp.
H. U. 2004, B. N. McLellan, D. R. Seip, J. A. Young, T. A. Kinley, G. S. Watts,
and D. Hamilton. 2005. Population
dynamics of the endangered mountain ecotype of woodland caribou (Rangifer
tarandus caribou) in British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. Zool.
83: 407-418.
R. M. 1997. Description and Film of
Blue/Steller's Hybrid Holotype from Robson Valley, Report to Royal BC Museum
Curator Michael McNall, 7 September 1997.
by Save-The-Cedar League, 8995 Loos Road, Crescent Spur, British Columbia,
Canada V0J 3E0; www.savethecedarleague.org, STcedarL@aol.com.
© Copyright Save-The-Cedar League 2007, All Rights Reserved.